Lessons Overview

Writing on a chalkboard in Ojibwe and English surrounded by four-pointed stars. The text reads, "akawe gibizindaagemin, first we listen, gibizindaamin ikidowinan, we listen to the words, bizindawangidwaa gichi-aya'aag, we listen to the elders, miidash bizindaazoyaang, then we listen to ourselves".

Boozhoo / Hello

Biindigen / Welcome

Giishpin naandawendman Anishinaabemoyan, mawadishiwen oma, bwaachiwen maampii wenji nisidotamang ebangishimog dibishkoo ningaabii’anong miinawaa debwetamaang apii Anishinaabemoyang awashime gikendamang ezhi-minobimaadiziyang Anishinaabeakiing noopiming, awaasakwaa, agamiing dibaajimoyang apane gaye gaagige.

If you want to speak Anishinaabemowin, visit here, visit here, because the west where the sun sets is the same west where the stars shimmer and we believe when we all speak Anishinaabemowin we will understand better how to live in this Anishinaabe land, in the woods, beyond the woods, beside the lakes telling stories forever and always.

It is possible to begin speaking Anishinaabemowin at any age. It is never too late to learn.

The lessons on this site explain Anishinaabe grammar because that is how many adults who already speak one language are able to start understanding and using another language. The vocabulary is primarily Ojibwe and Odawa, but speakers of Potowatomi use the same grammar and many of the words are the same. This site can never replace the stories of ancestors and elders from your community but it can give you some structure and practice so that as you learn more, you are able to organize what you know and begin speaking.

This is not the only way to learn but it is one way that works. Mix these words and lessons with the songs and stories here, with the speakers you know or find on your journey, and try everything. Speak often. Support others. Ask question, forgive yourself when you are frustrated and push yourself to learn something new every day.

Gimiigwechwigom Anishinaabemoyan. We all thank you for speaking Anishinaabemowin.

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