Resource Library
This page is intended to support the revitalization of Anishinaabemowin. We list resources from all dialects so you may want to choose items from communities close to yours or be prepared to make a few spelling adjustments. All material here is posted with the permission of the author or publisher who retains the copyright. This project has been supported by the Wewaawiindamojig Advisory Board through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Michigan State University. You may submit your own material to share, or let us know about Anishinaabemowin resources you have seen by emailing
Image | Title | Content | Categories | Tags |
Amazing Grace | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
America | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
America the Beautiful | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
Apenimonodan (Trust) | Stories, Winter Stories | |||
Aphorisms by Alphonse Pitawanakwat | Lessons | |||
April Song | Songs for the Changing Year | |||
August Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
Babaamaadizi-Mazina’igan (Travel Around Book) | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
December Song | Songs for the Changing Year | |||
February Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
Halloween | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
How Great Thou Art | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
I Dream a World | Stories, Winter Stories | |||
In the Garden | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
January Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
July Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
June Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
Let’s Find Food | Fall Stories, Stories | |||
March Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
May Song | Songs, Songs for the Changing Year | |||
November Song | Songs for the Changing Year | |||
Numbers | Words & Phrases | |||
On This Day O Beautiful Mother | Song with Jim Spry, Songs | |||
Phrases for Babies & Toddlers | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
Pledges to Flags of America & Grand Portage | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
St. Patrick’s Day | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
Stop Go Game | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
TEK nology Videos | Videos with elder and Anishinaabemowin speaker and teacher, Barbara Nolan, exploring the topic of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). | Resources, Video | Videos | |
Thanksgiving | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
The way we sound and convey Anishinaabe meaning | Uncategorized | |||
Verb Type 4 – First Endings – Part 1 | Uncategorized | |||
Verb Type 4 – Introduction | Lessons | |||
Warrior Girl Unearthed | Stories, Young Adult Stories | |||
Wiijiwaaganag: More Than Brothers | Fall Stories | |||
Words and Phrases for Natural Resources | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
Words for Council Meetings | Lessons, Words & Phrases | |||
Rabbit Chase | Stories, Young Adult Stories | |||
Verb Type 3 – “oon” and “in” Endings – Not Happening | Lessons | |||
How the Bear Got a Short Tail | Winter Stories | |||
Life is Not Easy, Laughter Means Survival: Stories told to Mike Parkhill in Treaty #3 Territory | An ebook containing many stories in Anishinaabemowin, with English translation in the back. Paragraphs are numbered for easy reference between both language versions. An excellent resource for advanced learners looking for longer reading material. Most words can be referenced in the Ojibwe People’s Dictionary. Link will open a pdf download. | Books | Advanced, Bilingual, Novel, Western Dialect | |
Verb Type 3 – “Oon” or “in” Second Endings | Lessons | |||
Rabbit and Bear Paws | Interactive app where users can record themselves using Anishinaabemowin with puppet characters. App is available in Google Play Store and Apple Store. Link goes to a YouTube page featuring videos of the game characters speaking Anishinaabemowin. | Game, Video | App, Game, Videos | |
Saginaw Chippewa Anishinaabe Language Revitalization Department | Information on the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe’s Anishinaabemowin revitalization efforts. Includes community events, some resources and audio, and information for Sasiwaans Immersion School. | Resources | Audio, Community | |
White Earth Nation | White Earth Nation’s Newspaper, Anishinaabeg Today, features a regular Anishinaabemowin section. | Resources | Community, Vocabulary, Western Dialect | |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians | Community language class recordings are available. | Classes, Video | Classes, Community, Videos, Virtual Class | |
Red Rock Indian Band | Some beginning Anishinaabemowin vocabulary. | Resources | Community, Vocabulary, Word List | |
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | Includes Ojibwemowin resources including the Red Cliff Band ort to preserve the language within our community. Our comprehensive Ojibwemodaa Endaaso Giizhik language plan. | Resources | Community | |
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Language Department | Resources including a virtual Bodwéwadmimwen course available through an app. | Resources | App, Bodewadmimwen, Classes, Community, Virtual Class | |
Nipissing First Nation | An overview of the Nbising Community’s Anishinaabemwin revitlization efforts. Links to books for purchase and information on community events. There’s also some song recordings and links to maps and geographical vocabulary. | Resources | Audio, Community, Maps, Music | |
Mississauga of the Credit First Nation | Anishinaabemowin classes on embedded YouTube videos. Calendar of community events from the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation. | Resources, Video | Classes, Community, Videos, Virtual Class | |
Mississauga First Nation | Anishinaabemowin resources from the Mississauga First Nation. Includes vocabulary lists, several audio files, and an in depth pronunciation guide utilizing the Fiero double-vowel system. | Resources | Audio, Community, Everyday Vocabulary, Word List | |
Match-be-nash-she-wish Gun Lake Potawatomi Tribe | Potawatomi language classes open to Gun Lake Tribal Citizens, household members, GLT staff, and citizens of other local tribes. See website for contact details. | Classes | Beginner, Classes, Community, Intermediate | |
Forest County Potawatomi | Books and resources for beginning Potawatomi, by Jim Thunder. | Resources | Bodewadmimwen, Community | |
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | Fond du Lac community Anishinaabemowin resources including coloring books, word games, Anishinaabemowin vocabulary for ceremony, and more. Also includes information on Waazh, an Anishinaabemowin immersion program for 3-5 year olds. | Resources | Coloring Book, Immersion, Word List | |
Pikogan First Nation | Some vocabulary resources and videos focusing on Algonquin variety. Website is primarily in French. | Resources | Algonquian, Vocabulary, Word List | |
Potawatomi Dictionary | Online dictionary maintained by the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. | Dictionary, Resources | Bodewadmimwen, Dictionary | |
Citizen Potawatomi Nation | Bodewadmimwen resources including virtual classes, a children’s class, cultural teachings, links to Potawatomi Dictionary and Citizen Potawatomi Language social media spaces. | Resources | Bodewadmimwen, Classes, Community, Virtual Class | |
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation | Ekowaamjigaadeg Inwewin ~ Language Nest Program open to members of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. Website includes links to some basic Anishinaabemowin resources | Resources | Community, Western Dialect, Word List | |
Biigtigong Language Project | Language resources from the Biigtigong Nishnaabeg. Includes (humorous) videos, and many Nishnaabemwin resources. | Resources | Classes, Community, Videos, Virtual Class | |
Wikwemikong Heritage Organization | Anishinaabemowin resources available for purchase. | Resources | Books | |
Caldwell First Nation | Caldwell First Nation Language & Culture page. Includes some basic Anishinaabemowin resources and links to community social media pages. | Resources | Community | |
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek | Language resources available to community members. | Resources | Community, Word List | |
Omàmìwininìmowin Language Blog | A blog focusing on language and language revitalization in the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation. | Resources | Algonquian, Bilingual, Blog, Community | |
Omàmiwininì Pimàdjwowin: The Algonquin Way Cultural Center | A non-profit organization providing cultural services in the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation. Site features downloadable lessons in Anishinaabemowin covering a variety of topics. Some audio clips available. | Resources | Algonquian, Audio, Community, Downloadable, Lessons | |
Aamjiwnaang Heritage & Culture: E’Maawizidijig | A Facebook Page maintained by the Aamjiwnaang First Nation that shares cultural and language resources, including everyday vocabulary and phrase lists, videos, and more. | Resources | Community, Word List | |
Endaso-giizhik anishinaabemoyaan (Tumblr) | A Tumblr blog that contains lots of Anishinaabemowin resources, including vocabularly lists, stories and videos, and more. | Blog Resource | Blog, Stories, Videos, Word List | |
Rochelle Allan’s Youtube Channel | Rochelle Allan has assembled several playlists of Anishinaabemowin videos. | Resources, Video | children, Stories, Videos | |
Firekeeper’s Daughter | Young Adult Stories | |||
Verb Type 3 – “Oon” or “in” First Endings | Lessons | |||
Come On, Let’s Talk Ojibwe at Home! Ambe, Ojibwemodaa Endaayang! | By Jessie Clark and Rick Gresczyk. Based on southern Minnesota Ojibwe, this book is an important companion to Our Ojibwe Grammar. | Books | Everyday Vocabulary, Grammar | |
Aanjikiing: Changing Worlds – An Anishinaabe Traditional Funeral | By Lee Obizaan Staples and Chato Ombishkebines Gonzalez. This book is a model teaching text of an Anishinaabe traditional funeral ceremony as conducted by Lee Obizaan Staples in the Ojibwe language. | Books | Bilingual, Culture, Stories | |
Anishinaabe-Niimi’iding: An Anishinaabe Ceremonial Dance | By Lee Obizaan Staples and Chato Ombishkebines Gonzalez. Anishinaabe text with English translation and full glossary of Anishinaabe words. | Books | Bilingual, Culture, Stories | |
Chi-mewinzha: Ojibwe Stories from Leech Lake | By Dorothy Dora Whipple Edited by Wendy Makoons Geniusz and Brendan Fairbanks. Illustrated by Annmarie Geniusz. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Gechi-piitziijig Dbaajmowag: The Stories of our Elders | Translated by Kate Roy and Evelyn Roy. Transcribed by Evelyn Roy. Edited by Alan Corbiere. A compilation of Ojibwe stories with English translations. Ojibwe Cultural Foundation. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Living in Harmony: Mino-nawae-indawaewin | By Basil Johnston. Part of the Anishinaubaemowin Series. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
The Gift of the Stars: Anangoog Meegiwaewinan | By Basil Johnston. Part of the Anishinaubaemowin Series. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Eastern Ojibwa Grammatical Sketch, Texts and Word List | By Leonard Bloomfield. In this study of Eastern Ojibwa, the late Leonard Bloomfield, first and greatest of structural linguists, presents his only extended treatment of the Central Algonquin syntax. | Books | Bilingual, Linguistics, Stories | |
Nishnaabemwin Reference Grammar | By J. Randolph Valentine. This descriptive reference grammar of Nishnaabemwin (Odawa and Eastern Ojibwe) includes extensive descriptive treatment of phonology, orthography, inflectional morphology, derivational morphology, and major structural and functional syntactic categories. | Books | Linguistics, Textbook | |
Sounding Thunder: The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow | By Brian D. McInnes. Presented in their original Ojibwe as well as in English translation, the stories of Francis Pegahmagabow reveal a rich and evocative relationship to the lands and waters of Georgian Bay. | Books | Bilingual, History, Stories | |
Living Our Language: Ojibwe Tales and Oral Histories | Edited by Anton Treuer. Based on interviews Treuer conducted with ten elders—Archie Mosay, Jim Clark, Melvin Eagle, Joe Auginaush, Collins Oakgrove, Emma Fisher, Scott Headbird, Susan Jackson, Hartley White, and Porky White. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Akawe Niwii-tibaajim | Aanjibimaadizing. Edited by Anton Treuer and Michael Sullivan Sr. Illustrated by Steve Premo. | Books | Monolingual, Stories | |
Weweni | By Margaret Noodin. Poems in Anishinaabemowin and English | Books | Poetry | |
Aaniin Ekidong: Ojibwe Vocabulary Project | Edited by Anton Treuer & Keller Paap. A group of nine fluent elders representing several different dialects of Ojibwe gathered with teachers from Ojibwe immersion schools and university language programs to brainstorm and document less-well-known but critical modern Ojibwe terminology. | Books | Dictionary | |
Relativization in Ojibwe | By Michael D. Sullivan Sr. This book compares varieties of the Ojibwe language and establishes subdialect groupings for Southwestern Ojibwe. | Books | Linguistics, Textbook | |
Ojibwe Discourse Markers | By Brendan Fairbanks. This book examines the challenging subject of discourse markers in Ojibwe | Books | Linguistics, Textbook | |
Ottawa Stories from the Springs: Anishinaabe dibaadjimowinan wodi gaa binjibaamigak wodi mookodjiwong e zhinikaadek | Translated and edited by Howard Webkamigad. These rich tales, recorded by Anishinaabe people in the Harbor Springs area of Michigan, draw on the legends, fables, trickster stories, parables, and humor of Anishinaabe culture. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Bkejwanong Dbaajmowinan/Stories of Where the Waters Divide | Edited and translated by Monty McGahey II. Bkejwanong Dbaajmowinan is a collection of stories from these elders, who understand the vital importance of passing on the language to future generations in order to preserve the beloved language and legacy of the community. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Zagataagan – A Northern Ojibwe Dictonary – Volume 2 Ojibwe to English | Compiled by Patricia M. Ningewance. | Books, Dictionary | Dictionary | |
Zagataagan – A Northern Ojibwe Dictonary – Volume 1 English to Ojibwe | Compiled by Patricia M. Ningewance. | Books, Dictionary | Dictionary | |
Nagamodaa Ojibwemong Abinoojiinh-Nagamonan – Let’s Sing Children Songs in Ojibwe | By Rick Gresczyk. Timeless children songs such as Old MacDonald and You Are My Sunshine sung in Ojibwe. A great resource for teaching children and adults alike! | Audio | Audio, Music | |
Pimsleur Ojibwe Level 1 | Learn to Speak and Understand Ojibwe with Pimsleur Language Programs | Audio | Audio, Lessons | |
Ogimaans | Ogimaans (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Translated by Margaret Noodin, Angela Mesic, Michael Zimmerman Jr and Susan Wade. | Books | Advanced, Monolingual, Novel, Western Dialect | |
Bi-Anishinaabemog: Bezhig Niigaan | By Roger Roulette. This level one workbook contains 18 units to assist in learning basic and conversational Ojibwe. Includes glossary, answer key and full audio CD. | Books | Textbook, Workbook | |
Survival Ojibwe: Learning Conversational Ojibwe | By Patricia Ningewance. | Books | Textbook | |
Ojibwe Thesaurus | By Patricia Ningewance. This book is intended for fluent Ojibwe language writers, translators & advanced learners. It contains synonyms and related words to help you find that elusive word when you’re writing or translating. It uses Western Ojibwe and Manitoba dialects. | Books | Reference | |
Biindigen: Original Ojibwe Language Songs | Original Ojibwe Language Songs by Percy Ningewance, Rebecca Chartrand, Fiona Muldrew and other artists. Seven songs suitable for children and adults learning Ojibwe with lyrics in Ojibwe and dialogue (liner notes have Ojibwe with English translation). | Audio | Audio, Music | |
Gii-Nitaa-Aadisooke: Ojibwe Legends from Lac Seul | Stories told by Christie Ningewance, written by Patricia Ningewance. This recent title includes 19 Legends from Northwest Ontario about kindness, sharing, forgiveness, modesty, respect and more. | Books | Bilingual, Stories | |
Talking Gookom’s Language Workbook and CD | Workbook and audio CD to accompany Gookom’s Language textbook. Written by Patricia M. Ningewance. Mazinaate Publishing, 2004. | Books | Workbook | |
Gookom’s Language: Learning Ojibwe | A textbook with lessons and both English-Ojibwe and Ojibwe-English glossaries. Written by Patricia M. Ningewance. Mazinaate Publishing, 2004. | Books | Textbook | |
Pocket Ojibwe: A Phrasebook for Nearly All Occasions | A pocketbook with vocabulary for everyday situations, written Patricia M. Ningewance. Also includes snippets of advice. The books small size means it can be carried in a purse or pocket. Mazinaate Publishing, 2009. | Books | Everyday Vocabulary, Pocketbook, Reference | |
Ikwe | This dramatic film features a young Ojibwa girl from 1770 who marries a Scottish fur trader and leaves home for the shores of Georgian Bay. National Film Board of Canada. (Ojibwe language film) | Film | Film, Video | |
York University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
White Earth Tribal and Community College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee | Certificate in Anishinaabe Language | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Certificate, USA | |
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire | Online course available to the public | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Toronto | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Bachelor of Arts in Ojibwe Language | Colleges & Universities | Degree, USA | |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Minnesota Morris | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Michigan | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
University of Manitoba | Undergraduate Minor in Native Languages | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Canada | |
University of Manitoba | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
Gijigowi Anishinaabemowin Language Department (GALD) Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa | Lots of language resources including teaching and learning info, games and puzzles, videos and more. Additional resources and materials may be available by contacting the department staff. | Resources | Game, Resource Guide, Songs, Teaching Resources | |
Naadamaading: Dibaajimowinan Ji-nisidotaading. | Original stories in Anishinaabemowin. Written by Nancy Jones, et al. Gaa-mazinibii’ang Jonathan Thunder. Wiigwaas Press, 2013. | Books | Bilingual, Intermediate, Stories | |
Mino-doodaading: Dibaajimowinan Ji-mino-ayaang | Original stories in Anishinaabemowin. Written by Nancy Jones, et al. Gaa-mazinibii’ang Wesley Ballinger. Wiigwaas Press, 2013. | Books | Bilingual, Intermediate, Stories | |
Wiijikiiwending | A large collection of stories about characters learning to navigate life. Written by Rosemarie DeBungie, et al, Wiigwaas Press, 2014. Gaa-mazinibii’ang Andrea Carlson. | Books | Bilingual, Intermediate, Stories | |
Dibaajimowinan: Anishinaabe Stories of Culture and Respect | A collection of 34 stories in Anishinaabemowin, with English translation. Great Lakes Indian Fisheries & Wildlife Commission, 2013. | Books | Bilingual, Intermediate, Stories | |
Portage Lake: Memories of an Ojibwe Childhood. | Maude Kegg tells stories of her Ojibwe childhood to John D. Nichols (editor). University of Minnesota Press, 1993. | Books | Advanced, Bilingual, Stories | |
Ezhichigeyang: Ojibwe Word List | Word lists for traditional fishing practices and wigwam building. Written by Nancy Jones, Gordon Jourdain, and Raose Tainter. Editors: Aton Treuer and Keller Paap. Waadookodaading Ojibwe Immersion Charter School, 2011. | Books | Everyday Vocabulary, Reference | |
Pocket Ojibwe for Kids and Parents | Written by Trevor Greyeyes and Maeengan Linklater, with an introduction by Patricia Ningewance, Mazinaate Inc, 2011. | Books | Everyday Vocabulary, Parents, Pocketbook, Reference | |
The Dog’s Children: Anishinaabe Texts Told by Angeline Williams | A collection of story told in Anishinaabemowin by Angeline Williams in 1941, with translations into English. Leonard Bloomfield (editor) University of Manitoba Press, 2017. | Books | Advanced, Bilingual, Stories | |
Ojibwe Text Anthology | Nichols, John. (1988) Centre for Research and Teaching of Canadian Native Languages, University of Western Ontario | Books | Bilingual, Linguistics | |
Eastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary | Rhodes, Richard A. (1993). De Gruyter. (Eastern Dialect) | Dictionary | Eastern Dialect | |
Nishnaabemwin: Odawa & Eastern Ojibwe Online Dictionary | Dictionary for Eastern dialects, run by Mary Ann Corbiere & Rand Valentine | Dictionary | Eastern Dialect, Online Dictionary | |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Language & Culture Department Archived Anishinaabemowin Courses | Archive of previous Anishinaabemowin classes from the Sault Ste Marie Tribe’s Language and Culture Department | Classes | Classes, Recorded Class, Virtual Class | |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Language & Culture Department | Links to weekly online classes (as of 1/31/21 held via BlueJeans meeting platform. Information on site). | Classes | Classes, Live Class, Virtual Class | |
Freelang: Ojibwe-English Online Dictionary | One of the largest word collections; mixture of dialects. | Dictionary | Online Dictionary | |
University of Guelph | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
Trent University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Red Lake Nation College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Northern Michigan University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
Leech Lake Tribal College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Lakehead University | Indigenous Language Education Programs | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Canada, Certificate, Degree | |
Lakehead University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Ojibwe | By AKRC Language App and Ogoki Learning Systems Inc., the Ojibwe App includes words and phrases in the Ojibwe language in dialect of Northwestern Ontario. Available for Android/GooglePlay & iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Nishnaabemdaa | By Barbara Nolan and Ogoki Learning Systems Inc,. Available for iOS/Apple | Resources | Free, Game | |
Ojibway | By Darrick Baxter & Arlene Mousseau, Ogoki Learning Systems. Features professional quality audio & pictures. Practice syllabics, learn about treaties, history, maps, famous Ojibwe peoeple and more. Available for Android/GooglePlay & iOS/Apple | Resources | Free, Game | |
A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe | Nichols, John D., & Nyholm, Earl. (1994). University of Minnesota Press. (Western Dialect) | Dictionary | Western Dialect | |
The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway | Johnston, Basil H. (2001) Minnesota Historical Society Press | Books | Culture | |
Ojibwe Waasa Inaabidaa: We Look in All Directions | Wisuri, Marlene and Peacock, Thomas. D. (2009) Minnesota Historical Society Press | Books | Culture, High School | |
University of Toronto Library Guide to Online Anishinaabemowin resources | An excellent compilation of resources available online from various Anishinaabe communities in the US and Canada. It is extensive (but not exhaustive) and there may be some overlap between this list and the UToronto guide. | Resource Guide | Resource Guide | |
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Neechee | Build a sentence in English and translate to Ojibwe. Use verbs in the simple (indicative), conditional (conjunct) and even bossy (imperative) forms! Available for Android/GooglePlay & iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Mikan APK | Developed as part of the Duluth Children’s Museum’s “Manoominike” Ojibwe language learning exhibit, this matching game teaches terms used in the sacred tradition of wild ricing. Available for Android/GooglePlay & iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Nenboozhoo Ekidod | Anishinaabemwin Revival Program (ARP) of Lakeview School, M’chigeeng First Nation, Ontario. Nenbosh e-kidod is a game the teaching double vowel writing system. Available on iOS/Apple, coming soon to Androi/Google Play | Resources | Free, Game | |
M’Chigeeng Anishinaabemowin Revival Program | 1 year of curricular resources available; must initiate contact and sign a user agreement, per the website. | Resources | Curriculum | |
Michigan State University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
Indians Don’t Cry: Gaawiin Mawisiiwag Anishinaabeg | Poems about Indigenous life by George Kenny. New edition features poems translated into Anishinaabemowin by Pat Ningewance. University of Manitoba Press, 2014. | Books | Advanced, Bilingual, Stories | |
Awesiinyensag: Dibaajimowinan Ji-gikinoo’amaageng | Original stories in Anishinaabemowin. Written by Nancy Jones, et al. Gaa-mazinibii’ang Wesley Ballinger. Wiigwaas Press, 2010. | Books | Bilingual, Intermediate, Stories | |
Singuistics | By Pinnquaq, provides a 3-step learning method: listen, practice, then record your own version of each song to share. Offers unique lessons for each word and original artwork. Nunavut produced, developed, and owned. Available for iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Honour Water | A singing game to pass on teachings about water, by Pinnquaq with art and design by Elizabeth LaPensée. Songs by Anishinaabe elders and Sharon Day, sung by the Oshkii Giizhik Singers. Available for iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Babaamosedaa! Let’s Go for a Walk | Let’s Go For a Walk, by Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre, Ogoki Learning Systems. Join Ben and Jenni as they walk to the river. Features voices from respected Ojibwe speaking elders. Available on Android/GooglePlay & iOS/Apple. | Resources | Free, Game | |
Anishinabe Translator V2 | Developed by Isabelle Galton, the text and audio are from the Long Point First Nation and Temiscaming First Nation area. The purpose is to focus on the auditory, as there is no formal way of writing for the Algonquin Nation. Available for iOS/Apple | Resources | Free, Game | |
A Dictionary of the Ojibway Language | Baraga, Frederic. (1992) Minnesota Historical Society Press. | Dictionary | Dictionary | |
The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Ojibway | Benton-Banai, Edward. (1988/2010) University of Minnesota Press | Books | Culture, Middle School | | | Little River Band of Ottawa Indians and Kenny Pheasant’s resources from Anishinaabemdaa. | Resources | Videos | | | takes you to the fun world of understandable Nishnaabe-language immersion video. We’ve carefully designed and produced immersion-style dramatized episodes fully expecting that you’ll be able to understand the general meaning of the stories being acted out – without needing translation. | Resources | Videos | |
Waking Up Ojibwe | Includes embedded videos and other learning resources. Calendar shows regular online Anishinaabemowin events. Website is a collective effort from a number of Anishinaabe communities and educational institutions. | Resources | Videos | |
Anishinaabemowin | This language app promotes engagment of parents and their children to learn Ojibwe, from Wikwemikong Heritage Organization, developed by Thornton Media, Inc. Available on Android/Google Play $8.49 | Resources | Game, Western Dialect | |
Anishinaabemowin Posters by Beth LaPensee | Printable/downloadable posters featuring original art by Beth LaPensee | Resources | Downloadable, Posters, Word List | |
Anishinaubae Thesaurus | Johnston, Basil H. (2007) Michigan State University Press | Books | Eastern Dialect, Thesaurus | |
Nenbosh | Anishinaabemwin Revival Program (ARP) of Lakeview School, M’chigeeng First Nation, Ontario. This is the second game in the Nenbosh e-kidod series, a game teaching the double vowel writing system. Available on iOS/Apple, coming soon to Android/Google Play | Resources | Free, Game | |
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission | Geared toward children and early learners. GLIFWC resources focus on vocabulary for the natural world. | Resources | Word List | |
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission Downloadables and Books | Geared toward children and early learners. GLIFWC resources focus on vocabulary for the natural world. | Books | Board Book, Downloadable, Posters, Word List | |
Oshkaabewis Native Journal | Includes free text and audio that can be downloaded from the back catalogue of the Oshkaabewis Native Journal. | Resources | Journal | |
The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary from the University of Minnesota | Primarily a dictionary of Western dialects, but also has some sound clips and cultural information | Dictionary | Online Dictionary | |
Anishinaabemowin Niwasa | This language app promotes engagment of parents and their children to learn Ojibwe, from Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg Head Start School, developed by Thornton Media, Inc. Available on Android/Google Play $8.49 and iOS/Apple $7.99 | Resources | Eastern Dialect, Game | |
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College | Certificate in Anishinaabe Language | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Certificate, Tribal Colleges, USA | |
College of St Scholastica | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
Bemidji State University | Undergraduate Minor in Ojibwe | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | USA | |
Bemidji State University | Certificate in Instruction in Ojibwe | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Certificate, USA | |
Bemidji State University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | USA | |
Bay Mills Community College | Anishnaabemwin Pane Immersion Program Diploma | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Degree, Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Bay Mills Community College | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Tribal Colleges, USA | |
Algoma University | Anishinaabemowin courses for credit. May require admission to the institution. | Colleges & Universities | Canada | |
Algoma University | Three-year undergraduate degree in Anishinaabemowin | Colleges & Universities, Degree/Certificate | Canada, Degree, Undergraduate | |
Nibi Aawon Nbiish (Nibi is Water) | Nibi is Water is written by Joanne Robertson and translated into Anishinaabemowin by Shirley Williams and Isadore Toulouse. Written from an Anishinaabe water protector’s perspective, the book is in dual language—English and Anishinaabemowin. Orca Book Publishers, 2020. | Books | Bilingual, Board Book, Pre-School, Western Dialect | |
Nijiikendam (My Heart Fills With Happiness) | My Heart Fills With Happiness was written by Monique Gray Smith and illustrated by Julie Flett. It was translated into Anishinaabemowin by Margaret Noodin and Angela Mesic, Orca Book Publishers, 2021. | Books | Bilingual, Board Book, Pre-School, Western Dialect | |
Meennunyakaa (Blueberry Patch) | Blueberry Patch was written and illustrated by Jennifer Leason. It was translated into Anishinaabemowin by Norman Chartrand, Orca Book Publishers, 2019. | Books | Bilingual, Picture Book, Pre-School, Western Dialect | |
Gidagaashiinh (Little You) | Little You was written by Richard Van Camp and illustrated by Julie Flett. It was translated into Anishinaabemowin by Margaret Noodin and Angela Mesic, Orca Book Publishers, 2021. | Books | Bilingual, Board Book, Pre-School, Western Dialect |