Songs for the Changing Year

Onaabani-giizis Nagomowin (March Song)

Onaabani-giizis is the word for the month of March because the verb onaabanad describes the crust of ice on the snow that is created by warm days and cold nights. These are the conditions needed for ininaatigoog (maple trees) to begin creating the sweet sap that is harvested in spring.

Ziigwan (spring) is also a time when we give thanks for the way the earth changes and the rains begin to pour. We can hear the connection between words for ziigwan (spring), ziiginige (to pour) and ziigibiisaag (pouring rain). Stories are often told about the Binesiwag (the Thunderbirds) who come at this time and announce a new year of growth and change.

When we give thanks we acknowledge what we have been given and we consider who or what we are thankful for: a being or a thing. Then we say miigwechiwi or miigwechiwendan, sometimes with “chi” in the front to really emphasize our feelings. Adding parts to the front and back of each form of thanks lets us know who is doing the thanking and who or how many are the focus of our thanks. You can find more about these verbs in our lessons. This month’s song offers several examples of being thankful for beings and things.

Gichimiigwechiwendaamin nagweyaabiin.
We all (gi in the front and aamin in the back) are chi (very) miigwechiwendan (thankful for something) nagweyaab+iin (more than one rainbow).

Gimiigwechiwi’aanaanig omagakiig.
We all (gi in the front and aanaanig in the back) are miigwechiwi (giving thanks to someone) omagakii+g (more than one frog).

We hope learning the song helps you remember some of the little ways our words change to make our thoughts clear and specific. We also hope it inspires you to go outside and find joy in the mud!

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall

March Song



We are thankful for them

Animikiig biidamoonangwaa
the Thunderbirds who bring to us

ziigibiisaag ziigwang!
pouring rain in Spring!




We are very thankful for

nagweyaabiin waabandamang
rainbows we see

ishpa’amoog ishpaag.
rising so high.




We are thankful for them

omagakiig nagamoonangwaa
the frogs who sing

as they grow warmer!




We are very thankful for

maamawi odaminoyang
playing together

agwajing azhashking!
outside in the mud!

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall

March Song Video

Here is a beautiful video by Rick Novitsky featuring scenes from Grand Portage Minnesota. Keep an eye out for this little bird “easter egg” in the video!

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall

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