Songs for the Changing Year

Gashkadino-Giizis Nagamowin (November Song)

A starry northern sky in Minnesota showing the Wintermaker or Orion constellation.

Gashkadino-Giizis (November) is when temperatures dip below the point of freezing and the last hunts and feasts before winter take place. The Bebooniked (Wintermaker) constellation appears in the sky and children look forward to snow-snake competitions. This is a simple song about one child who might be home with a sibling, favorite auntie or uncle telling stories of what mom or dad might bring home to eat.

The Bebooniked constellation is the same set of stars that is also called Misaabe (Giant or Bigfoot) and Nanaboozhoo-anang (Nanaboozhoo star) in other Ojibwe stories. It is frequently called Orion in other places in the world. Bebooniked has a belt and arms reaching wide and swirling to bring in the cold winds and storms of winter. This set of stars is only visible in the northern hemisphere during the winter months. Seeing this constellation and telling stories of it in wintertime reminds us of our place in the world and the changing of the weather.

Photo by Travis Novitsky with permission to share. See his work.

Sometimes learning only one verse, or one verse at a time, is helpful. You can listen to the full audio or each verse separately.

Full Song Audio: November Song

Verse 1 Only: Nov Song Part 1
Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Waabanangosiwag babaamisewag
Snow buntings are flying

Waabandaanaawaa miinikaanan.
They are looking for seeds.


Verse 2 Only: Nov Song Part 2

Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Bebooniked gii-bi-dagoshin mii dash
Wintermaker has arrived

Biboon wii-maadakamigak noongom
Winter has begun


Verse 3 Only: Nov Song Part 3

Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Gashkadino-Giizis ay oh way hey

Giiyosewag waasa ingitizimag gaye
My parents are hunting far away and

Gooniginebigkeyaan endaayaan.
I am at home making a snow snake.