Songs for the Changing Year

Binaakwe-giizis Nagamowin (October Song)

Ruffed Grouse drumming on log taken in central MN

Binaakwe-giizis is a song for the season when the wind causes more leaves to be on the ground than in the trees, moose calls are made by hunters, and pheasants end up on dinner tables. It is also the time for remembering the ones no longer in this world by putting out a spirit plate or inviting friends and family to share a ghost supper and exchange stories and memories.

For those of you familiar with the long slow call of a moose, and the drumming sounds made by a pheasant, this song echoes the moose in the first two lines and the pheasant in the last two lines.

This song teaches several lessons with specific words. The “binaakwe” in the name of the month, the action of raking, and the specific action of the leaves are all related to one another and also to “binaakwe’o” (to comb one’s hair).

In the second stanza we have two ways to express the act of hunting: “giiwose” which is the act of tracking animals as a food source, and the prefix “nanda-” which can be added to the name of the animal a hunter searches for.

The third stanza shows the verb “mikwendan” (to remember something) contrasted with “mikwenim” (to remember someone). Part of becoming more fluent is the ability to recognize the way most actions can accommodate talking about both categories of things in the world and just a small variation is needed to say “gimikwendaamin” (we all remember a time long ago) and “mikwenimangwaa” (we remember them).

Short Version

Teachers working with younger children may want to focus on just the second stanza which has two animals and can be matches with a simple pantomime of wind rushing through leaves followed by a hunter, a moose, and a partridge.

October Song-Short

It is October

gigiiwosemin noopiming
We are hunting in the woods

nandamoozweyang aho
we hunt the moose

nandabineweyang ho
we hunt the partridge.

Long Version

October Song

It is October

We are raking

binaakweg binibagaag
off the tree the leaves are falling

dakeyaag dagwaagining.
as it turns cold in autumn.

It is October

gigiiwosemin noopiming
We are hunting in the woods

nandamoozweyang aho
we hunt the moose

nandabineweyang ho
we hunt the partridge.

It is October

gimikwendaamin mewenzha
we are remembering long ago

mikwenimangwaa noongom
we remember them today

the anishinaabeg here in spirit.

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