Stop Go Game
This is a simple game to be played by all ages. Words below are written to tell a group of students to move around from one place to another and help the whole group gabenaage (win).
The instructions below are age appropriate for toddlers who are just beginning to understand the importance of relational success.
Before you begin
- It is helpful to know telling a group to do something (using a vai) add “g” to the action word.
- To tell one student to do something (using a vai) add “n” to the action word.
- To tell a group of students to do something in relation to you, such as “listen to me” (a vta) add “shig” to the word.
- To tell a student to do something in relation to you, such as “listen to me” (a vta) add “shin” to the word.
Playing the game
To begin the game, draw one circle on the ground to show where all students need to be touching at the start. Draw a second circle on the ground to show where students need to go during the game. You could substitute a tree, a wall, or a specific teacher as the start and end.
Play the game by having one person call out one word at a time to tell students to “bimibizo” (go) or “ishkwaataa” (stop).
Help the students learn the meaning of each word and how to say it themselves by repeating what they are doing.
Students “bakinaage” (win) when they all reach the new circle together. They can be encouraged to help each other along the way.
Depending on age, teachers could as students the following questions:
What do you think “-bizo” means?
Can you count the steps you took?
Who did you help?
Who helped you?
Did a good breakfast give you strength to play?
Ikidowinan (Words)
ishkwaataa(g) – stop / hold still
bimibizo(g) – go
gizhiibizo(g) – go fast
babejibizo(g) – go slowly
azhebizo(g) – go back, go backwards
biimskobizo(g) – go spinning
azhegizhiibizo(g) – go back fast
azhebabejibizo(g) – go back slow
gizhiibiimskobizo(g) – go spinning fast
babejibiimskobizo(g) – go spinning slowly
Use these words for students learning body parts and counting:
bezhigogaadebizo(g) – move on one leg
niizhogaadebizo(g) – move on 2 legs
nisogaadebizo(g) – move on 3 legs
niiyogaadebizo(g) – move on 4 legs
aanjigaade(g) – switch legs
aazhozidebizo(g) – cross foot moving
bimoode(g) – crawl on your hands and knees
bi-giigdiiyebi(g) – scoot on your butt here
Other words and phrases for use throughout the day:
Ayaangwaamizi(g) – You all be careful
Debwe(n) – You be honest
Wenipanad – it is easy
Zanagad – it is difficult
Aanikoogaabawi(g) – You all stand up in connection (line up)
Bazigwii(g) – You all get up
Aambe niijiiwag – Come here on friends
Omaa bi-izhaa(g) – You all come here
Bi-maawanji’idig omaa – You all come and gather here
Gego gaagiigidokegon – You don’t talk
Awenen zhigwa ayekozid? – Who is already tired?
Aaniindi ezhaayan? – Where are you going?
Aaniin ezhichigeyan? – What are you doing?
Naagaanzid gidaaw – One who is leading, you are
Onizhishin – It is good / Good job / Nice work etc. . .
Bonus words about things we do together:
Aabitoojizh(ishin) (vta) – Give me a hug
Aanikeshkaw(ishin) (vta) – Follow me
Bizindaw(ishin) (vta) – Listen to me
Waabam(ishin) (vta) – Look at me
Game Contributors
The Stop Go Game was created by in partnership with these contributors. Miigwech for your partnership.