Color is a basic part of describing the world around us. There are two main ways to indicate a color in Anishinaabemowin.
The first way to indicate color is to add a small prefix to a word making it more descriptive. These color prefixes are understood across many regions and often relate to key scientific concepts. Several of the color prefixes represent a spectrum of color. For instance, “ozhaawashk” was traditionally used for blue, green and everything in between. Similarly “ozaaw” was traditionally used for the range of color that includes brown, gold and yellow.
For example:
makademakwa | = makade (black) + makwa (bear) |
miskomakizinan | = misko (red) + makizinan (shoes) |
waabojiig | = waab (white) + ojiig (fisher cat) |
waabiwaazakonenjigan | = waabi (white) + waazakonenjigan (lamp) |
ozhaawashkomikwam | = ozhaawashko (blue-green) + mikwam (ice) |
It is important to know the color part of the word (the prefix) can be added many ways with slight variations but when it is added to a noun it becomes a single new word. Often an “o” or an “i” is added depending on the first letter in the word that follows.
The second way to indicate color is to consider the color a verb itself and talk about color as an action meaning something is “being a particular color.” These color words can be based on some of same prefixes commonly used by everyone, but they may also reflect a speaker’s personal perceptions. One of the words for “orange” is simply the word for the fruit turned into a verb. Blue might be “berry-blue” or “sky-blue.” Gray is “ash-colored” or “kaakazheaande.” You can create your own colors if you find the need to be very precise about the color of something.
To do this you use the following endings:
– | aande as a Verb 1 when the object being described is a “maanda” or “o’o” noun | |
or | ||
– | aanzo as a Verb 2 when the object being described is a “maaba” or a “wa’aw” noun | |
or | ||
– | aanzhe as a Verb 1 when you are describing the color of a beam of light |
For example:
- makwa makadewaanzo = the bear he/she is black
- makwag makadewaanzowag = the bears they are black
- makizin miskwaande = the shoe it is red shoe
- makizinan miskwaandenoon = the shoes they are red
- waabsihkaanzhe waazakonenjigan = white light given off by a lamp
- ozhaawashkaanzhe waasnoode = blue-green light of the aurora borealis
The same color prefixes are used with these verbs and the verbs are then completed to show who is being colored. A “w” is often used to connect the parts of the word.
In Anishinaabemowin colors are based on what we see in the world. Take a long look at a large body of water and you will see why “ozhaawashkwaa-” might mean everything in the spectrum from blue to green. Our modern world has tried to standardize these terms so “ozhaawashkwaa-” is typically used just for green now. Similarly, an “ozaawamiin” is the word for the fruit often used to make juice; “miin” is a blueberry; and “akakanzhe” literally means coal so these colors are actually describing a very specific shade. You can create your own colors this way: waawaabiganoojiinaande, gidagaakoonsaanzo, oginii-waabigwanaazhe etc . . . Try to make the language your own and use it often with friends and family!
Here is a table of examples:
naande – it is the color
V1 |
naanzo – he/she is the color
V2 |
naanzhe – the way a light is colored
V1 |
Colors-1 | Colors-2 | Colors-3 |
akiiwaande wiigiwaam brown house |
akiiwaanzo ma’iingan brown wolf |
akiiwaanzhe brown light |
miskowaande wiigiwaam red house |
miskowaanzo ma’iingan red wolf |
miskowaanzhe red light |
ozaawaande wiigiwaam gold/brown house |
ozaawaanzo ma’iingan gold/brown wolf |
ozaawaanzhe gold/brown light |
ozaawamiinagaanaande wiigiwaam orange house |
ozaawamiinagaanaanzo ma’ingan orange wolf |
ozaawamiinagaawaanzhe orange light |
giisawaande wiigiwaam bright yellow house |
giisawaanzo ma’iingan bright yellow wolf |
giisawaanzhe bright yellow light |
ozhaawashkwaande wiigiwaam green house |
ozhaawashkwaanzo ma’iingan green wolf |
ozhaawshkwaanzhe green light |
giizhigowaande wiigiwaam blue house |
giizhigowaanzo ma’iingan blue wolf |
giizhigowaanzhe blue light |
miinaande wiigiwaam purple house |
miinaanzo ma’iingan purple wolf |
miinaanzhe purple light |
makaadewaande wiigiwaam black house |
makaadewaanzo ma’iingan black wolf |
makadewaanzhe black light |
akakanzhewaande wiigiwaam gray house |
akakanzhewaanzo ma’iingan grey wolf |
akakanzhewaazhe grey light |
waabishkaande wiigiwaam white house |
waabishkaanzo ma’iingan white wolf |
waabishkaanzhe white light |
How to ask and reply about the color of something.
Aaniin | enaandeg | wiigiwam? | Akiiwaande | wiigiwam. | |
What | color is | the house? | It is brown, | the house. |
Aaniin | enaandeg | wiigiwaman? | Akiiwaandenoon | wiigiwaman. | |
What | color are | the houses? | They are brown | houses. |
Aaniin | enaanzod | ma’iingan? | Kaakazhewaanzo | ma’iingan. | |
What | color is | the wolf? | He is gray | the wolf. |
Aaniin | enaanzowaad | ma’iinganag? | Kaakazhewaanzo | ma’iingan. | |
What | colors are | the wolves? | They are brown | wolves. |
Aaniin | enaanzheg? | Ozhaawshkwaanzhe | jibwaa | wese’an. | |
What | color is the light? | The light is green | before | a tornado. |
Practice sentences to translate and answer:
(Note both western and eastern variations below. There are some differences in spelling and pronunciation as well as the way we say “this,” “that,” “these” and “those.”)
- Aaniin enaandeg o’o babiinzikawaagan? Aaniish enaandeg maanda biinzikawaagan?
- Aaniin enaanzod a’aw gaazhag? Aanii enaanzod wa gaazhag?
- Aaniin enaanzheg naawakweg? Aaniish enaanzheg naawakweg?
- Aaniin enaanzowaad ingiw omakakiig? Aanii enaanzowaad geyeg omakakiig?
- Aaniin enaazod wa’aw minjikaawan? Aanii enaazod maaba minjikaawan?
- Aaniin enaandeg i’iw doopwin? Aanii enaandeg wi doopwin?
- Aaniin enaandeg o’o mazina’igan-mashkimod? Aaniish enaandeg maanda mazina’igan-mashkimod
- Aaniin enaanzheg anangoons? Aaniin enaanzheg anangoons?
- Aaniin aanakwad enaandeg? Aaniish waankwad enaandeg?
- Aaniin enaazod dibiki-giizis? Aanii enaazod dibiki-giizis?