About the Rivers of the North Shore Map

Compiled by Erik Martin Redix; Tim Cochrane, historical consultant; Dr. Gordon Jourdain and Michael Zimmerman Jr., Ojibwemowin consultants. Map designed by Morgan Swingen of the 1854 Treaty Authority in 2023. Geographic data used were obtained from MnGeo and Ontario GeoHub. This project was supported by a grant from the Administration for Native Americans. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Gichi-Onigaming Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Audio by Erik Martin Redix.

Read more about the project in the Spring 2024 Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community digital journal.

Instructions: Click or tap on the location pins to see and hear the words in Ojibwe. You can pinch and zoom on your mobile device. There are additional words below the map.

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall



Lake Superior

  • 1
    Gichi-gami Lake Superior Gichi-gami (Lake Superior)
  • 2
    Animikii-wiikwed Thunder Bay Animikii-wiikwed (Thunder Bay)
  • 3
    Minong Isle Royale Minong (Isle Royale)
  • 4
    Ozaagaateng Windigo Ozaagaateng (Washington Harbor)

    In 2023, the Grand Portage Band passed a resolution to request the National Park Service to change the name of the Windigo Ranger Station on Isle Royale to the Ozaagaateng Ranger Station. Ozaagaateng is the Ojibwe language name of Washington Harbor as documented in Ojibwe oral traditional and numerous archival sources and means “the place where it shines outward.”

    Windigo is an Ojibwe name and storytelling tradition that was misapplied to this location by a nineteenth century mining company.

  • 5
    Ginoozhekaan McCargo Cove Ginoozhekaan (McCargo Cove)
  • 6
    Gaa-miskwaataawangag-wiikwed Deronda Bay Gaa-miskwaataawangag-wiikwed (Deronda Bay)
  • 7
    Wiikwedoons Horseshoe Bay Wiikwedoons (Horseshoe Bay)





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