Let’s Find Food (Naajimiijimedaa!)

“Naajimiijimedaa! Let’s Find Food! An introduction to foraging with bonus stories and recipes from the Burt Lake Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians”
by Kathy Kae

The woods of Northern Michigan, the homeland of the Burt Lake Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians, has provided gifts from the land in the form of food for generations upon generations. This foraging book is an introduction to finding forty different foods such as berries, leeks, mushrooms and wild rice.

Kathy Kae explains how to harvest, process, prepare and store them as well as adding individual tribal citizens’ personal stories and recipes using these foods. In addition, the Ojibwe language is provided for each food and the online pronunciation guide below created by language instructor, Margaret Noodin.

Word List

If you are on a mobile device you may need to swipe to the right to see the definition of the word in english.

Ikidowin Word
Lets Find Food-1 Adikameg(wag) Whitefish(es)
Lets Find Food-2 Anishinaabe(g) Indigenous Person (First People)
Lets Find Food-3 Anooj gegoon Extras (More things)
Lets Find Food-4 Apakweshkibagoon(an) Cattail Shoot(s)
Lets Find Food-5 Apakweshko-biiwiminigaan(an) Cattail Pollen
Lets Find Food-6 Apakweshkway(ag) Cattail(s)
Lets Find Food-7 Baakwaan(an) Sumac berr(ies)
Lets Find Food-8 Bagwaji-zhagaagawanzh(iig) Wild Leek(s)
Lets Find Food-9 Banagizigan(ag) Flint Corn Kernel(s)
Lets Find Food-10 Bebiizigaakwa’an-wazhashkwedoons(ag) Shaggy Mane Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-11 Bibigwemin(an) Elderberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-12 Bikwaajish(an) Puffball Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-13 Doodooshaaboojiibik(ag) Dandelion(s)
Lets Find Food-14 Ens-wazhashkwedoons(ag) Oyster mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-15 Giba’iminaagawanzh(iig) Sweetfern(s)
Lets Find Food-16 Gichi-ginebigobag(oon) Ostrich Fern(s)
Lets Find Food-17 Gichimazaan(ag) Thistle(s)
Lets Find Food-18 Gichi-miigwech Thank you very much
Lets Find Food-19 Giigoonh(yag) Fish(es)
Lets Find Food-20 Giizhik(ag) Northern White Cedar(s)
Lets Find Food-21 Giizhikaaboo White Cedar Tea
Lets Find Food-22 Ginoozhe(g) Pike(s)
Lets Find Food-23 Gookooshibag(oon) Lamb’s Quarter(s)
Lets Find Food-24 Gozigwaakomin(an) Juneberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-25 Ininaatig-zhiiwaagamizigan Maple syrup
Lets Find Food-26 Ininaatig-ziinzibaakwad Maple sugar
Lets Find Food-27 Maashamegos(wag) Lake Trout(s)
Lets Find Food-28 Maashkinoozhe(g) Muskellunge(s)
Lets Find Food-29 Makade-miskomin(ag) Black Raspberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-51 Makak(oon) Box(es)
Lets Find Food-52 Makwa(g) Bears(s)
Lets Find Food-30 Manoomin Wild Rice
Lets Find Food-31 Mashkiigobagaaboo Labrador Tea
Lets Find Food-32 Mayaagiibine-wazhashkwedoons(ag) Pheasant Back Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-33 Miin(an) Blueberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-34 Miin(an) Berr(ies)
Lets Find Food-35 Mishiimin(ag) Apple(s)
Lets Find Food-36 Miskomin(ag) Raspberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-37 Moozonadow(ag) Morel Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-38 Naajimiijimedaa! Let’s Find Food!
Lets Find Food-39 Odaatagaamin(an) Blackberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-40 Ode’imin(an) Strawberr(ies)
Lets Find Food-41 Ojibwemowin Ojibwe Language
Lets Find Food-42 Okosimaan(an) Squash(es)
Lets Find Food-43 Ozaagakii(g) Plant(s)
Lets Find Food-43 Wazhashkwedowens(ag) Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-44 Wewaagaagin(an) Fiddlehead Fern(s)
Lets Find Food-45 Wiiyaas Meat
Lets Find Food-47 Zagitaagan(ag) Chaga Mushroom(s)
Lets Find Food-47 Zhiiwibagoons(an) Yellow Wood Sorrel(s)
Lets Find Food-48 Zhingobiwanak(oon) Spruce Tip(s)
Lets Find Food-49 Zhooniyaa-giigoozens(ag) Smelt(s)

Note: One more important part of the language is the way a person who is no longer in this world is acknowledged with an extra sound at the end of their name. The little suffix added can be -ba, -ban, or -iban. All of these are equally correct and speakers should use the version familiar in their area. For example, this book could not have been made without the work of Lorettaba Parkey, Isabelba Scollon and Lulaba Mae Rood.

Lets Find Food-53
Gimiigwechiwigoom Lorettaba, Isabelba miinawaa Lulaba. We all thank all of you Loretta, Isabella and Lula as you are no longer here with us.

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