I Never Got to Say Goodbye to You


Gaye N’gii Dezhisesii Wii N’moonaa Baamaapii (I Never Got to Say Goodbye to You)

This song is a Round Dance song written and sung by Frank Bartley. The lyrics are not a literal translation.

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall

Gaye N’gii Dezhisesii

Gaye n’gii dezhisesii wii n’moonaa baamaapii
I never got to say good by to you

Gaawiin n’gii gikendsiin geskina wii maajayin
I didnt know you were leaving so soon

Aachigwo g’gaa metsinin baamaapii miinwaa
Ohh how I miss you and

G’gaa tkweshkodaadimi
I will see you when its my time to go

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