Love Is Here to Stay


Love Is Here to Stay

Gizaagidimin (Love is Here to Stay). Originally by George & Ira Gershwin. Translated by Howard Kimewon and Margaret Noodin.

Sung by Margaret Noodin.

Note: As with many songs, an exact translation is not possible. This three line version provides the original lyrics last with the Anishinaabemowin and literal lyrics first so that students can learn the meaning easily. A good example of this is the illogical English metaphor in this song for love crumbling like the earth when in fact, as Howard’s Uncle Steve pointed out, a better Anishinaabe metaphor is the ceaseless shifting of a river.

It’s true
It’s very true

We are in love
Our love is here to stay

Apane igo, gaawiin igo eta ingo biboon
Always, not just one year
Not for a year, but ever and a day

Madwewechigan, giigido biiwaabikoons miinawaa mazinaatesijigan
Radio, telephone and movie
The radio, the telephone and the movies that we know

Gonemaa da bi zhiibaashkawag noongom maashige waaban
Maybe they will appear today or maybe not tomorrow
May just be passing fancies that in time may go

Bekaa igwa n’bazigem
But wait my dear
But oh . . . my dear

Zaagidiwin apane n’ga ayaanaa
Love always we will have it
Our love is here to stay

Gi ga niizhimin waasa waa izhaaying
We will be two a long way we will go
Together we’re going a long, long way

Aangodinong ziibi da ni minojiwan
Sometime the river is smooth
The Rockies may crumble

Anagodinong ziibi da maanajijiwan
Sometime the river is rough
Gibralter may tumble

Booch geyabi zaagidiwin n’ga ayaanaa
Really still our love we’ll have
They’re only made of clay

Zaagidiwin n’ga ayaanaa
Love we have it
Our love is here to stay

Apane igo n’ga ayaanaa
Always really we have it
It’s here to stay

Apane igo n’ga ayaanaa
Always we have it
It’s here to stay

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