Woodob (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)



Translated by Michael Zimmerman. Sung by Minowakiing Anishinaabemojig, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee language table.

Woodob e-miskwaajaaned adik (Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer)

Gigikenimaag ina Dasher miinawaa Dancer miinawaa Prancer miinawaa Vixen,
(You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,)

Comet miinawaa Cupid miinawaa Donner miinawaa Blitzen.
(Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.)

Gi mikwenimaa ina, e-gikendaagozid adik…?
(But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?)

Woodob e-miskwaajaaned adik
(Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer)

Gii gichi-waawaaskonejaaned
(Had a very shiny nose)

Miinawaa giishpin ge gii waabandaman
(And if you ever saw it)

Ge daa ikidoyan “waawaaskoneg”
(You would even say it “glows”).

Gakina idash gwa adikoog
(All of the other reindeer)

Gii baapiwaad nawaj maanenimaawaad
(Used to laugh and call him names)

Gaawiin wiika o’gii-bagidinaasiiwaan Woodoban
(They never let poor Rudolph)

Wii gwejitoonid adikodaminowinan
(Join in any reindeer games)

Mii idash ingoding naagoshig gii awan
(Then one foggy Christmas Eve)

Santa gii bi ikidod
(Santa came to say)

“Woodob e-miskwaajaaned,
(“Rudolph with your nose so bright)

Gi da babaa-niigaaniz ina gwa noongom naagoshig?”
(Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”)

Mii idash gakina gwa adikoog gii zaagii’aawaad
(Then all the reindeer loved him)

epichii gii-minoondaagoziwaad,
(And they shouted out with glee,)

“Woodob e-miskwaajaaned adik
(“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer)

apane giga mikwendaagoz sa!”
(You’ll go down in history!”)

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