Wind Sound


A poem by Margaret Noodin

Noodin nd’noondaan nanagoodinong
I hear the wind sometimes

Pii “ziiziigwaa” nagamowaad zhingwag
When the pines sing “ziiziigwaa”

Pii shkwandamag mawiiwaad
When the doors cry

Pii baapagishkaawaad waasechiganag
When the windows shake

Miidash gwekaanimad, boonaanimad nengatch piitaanimad
Then the wind shifts, lets up and slows to a new speed

Noongwa jiisakinini da shkitoon weweni jiisakaanke
Now the tent shaker can carefully build a tent

Miidash maajigaaskanozwaad noodinong
And the wordless whispers begin in the wind

Gekaajigba wiindamaaiyangidwa bimaadiziig ezhi-wiindeying
The old ones tell us to live as we are named

Miikojiinangidwa debwemigad nikanananig
And we feel their wisdom in our bones

Giishpin bizindaanmaad
If we listen to the wind

Copyright © 2021 by Margaret Noodin

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