I Think They Will Not Mind
A poem by Marsha Reeves. Read by Margaret Noodin.
Marsha Reeves, one of our beloved Swamp Singers, was inspired by chickadees on a winter walk where she is now living in northern Michigan. Their continued presence called for a song and then a poem as they keep us company through the coldest season. Special thanks to Margaret Noodin and Mike Zimmerman for their translation assistance.
Ninendaan gaawiin waa-babaamendanzimowaad
I think they will not mind that
wiikaa bi-dagoshinaan.
I arrive late.
Gijiigijigaaneshiiyag gii-giimoodaanagidoowag noopiming
The chickadees were mumbling in the bushes
besho naadazina’iganing.
by the box where I get mail.
Andawendaanaawaa Manaadendamaazowin
They needed an Honor Song
mii wenji-nagamotawagwaa
so I sang to them
nisidawenmangwaa miinawaa
because we understand them again
ezhi-manaadenimangwaa ingiw wiidokawiyangidwaa
the way we respect those who keep us company
gabe biboon
all winter.
Gaawiin da-giizhokoniyesiiwag misawa
They do not need to dress warm and yet
giizhokawiyangidwaa gidode’iminaaning.
they warm our hearts.