Giga-waabamin (I’ll See You Again) Song
The phrase “giga-waabamin” is one of the most common phrases in Ojibwe communities. It is often one of the few phrases everyone knows and can be used as a place to start learning so that you are ready to greet neighbors who use it and ancestors who spoke Ojibwe.
Below are some words to study and know before learning the simple little song shared by Amanda Barras and her 3rd Grade Class in Grand Marais, Minnesota.
Children sing it together and begin learning how the pieces of the language come together often without even talking much about grammar. We hope you find it fun to learn!

Ikidowinan Da-gikendaagwadoon (Words to Know)
waabam : to see someone
gi + (a doing word) + in : me to you
ga- : in the future
nakweshkodaadi : to meet each other
-yang : all of us
bagosendan : to hope for something
-maan : I
mino- : a little part added to many words to mean good
ayaa : to be somewhere or be a certain way
-yan : you

(Good-bye / I will see you)
Biinish nakweshkodaadiyang
(Until we meet again)
Bagosendamaan mino-ayaayan
(I hope you have a happy day)
(Good-bye / I will see you)