Pledges to Flags of America & Grand Portage
The students of Cook County Independent School District 166 and Great Expectations Charter School say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America each week. In 2024 they learned to say the pledge in Ojibwemowin.
To acknowledge their shared history with the nearest Ojibwe nation they have also learned to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of Gichi-Onigaming: Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Their hope is that together they remain committed to stewardship of both communities and the land and water of the place they call home. They may also inspire other communities to learn about the flag of a nearby nation and build networks of respect across many lands.

Waawiindamaadiwin Gichi-Onigaming Gikiwe’on (Pledge to the Flag of Grand Portage)
Waawiindamaadiwin Gichi-Onigaming Gikiwe’on
Pledge to the Flag of Grand Portage
Ninisidawaabandaan Gichi-Onigaming gikiwe’on
(I recognize the Grand Portage flag.)
Ninisidawaabamaag ongow manidoog, oniijaanisag
(I recognize the spirits, the children)
miinawaa Anishinaabe ji-minwaabiwizid.
(and Anishinaabe values.)
Gakina manidoog gaa-miiniyangidwaa zhaawendamowin.
(All of the spirits have given us blessings.)
Niibowa zhimaaganag gaa-miigaazowaad ji-mino-ayaayang omaa akiing.
(Many veterans have fought for us to be well here in this place on earth.)
First translated by Kalvin Ottertail for the Ojibwe class in Cook County during the 2004 – 2005 school year.

Waawiindimaadiwin Gichimookomaan-aki Gikiwe’on (Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America)
Waawiindimaadiwin Gichimookomaan-aki Gikiwe’on
Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America
Niwaawiindamawaag Gichimookomaan-aki Wegimaawijig.
(I pledge allegience to the flag of the United State of America.)
Nizaagitoon gidakiminaan.
(I love our nation.)
Nimanaaji’endaan gidakiminaan.
(I respect our nation.)
Bezhigwan gidakiminaan.
(Our one united nation.)
Gakina awiiya ginandagikendaamin debwewin.
(Everyone seeks the truth.)
Gakina awiiya ginandagikendaamin gwayako-dibaakonigewin miinawaa maamawi-mino-bimaadiziyang omaa.
(Everyone seeks justice and to all live well together.)
We would like to note this version is similar, but not exactly the same as the Ojibwe Pledge of Allegiance recited by students in Hayward, Wisconsin before the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Governing Board with their teacher, Valerie Barber, in May of 2011. Gimiigwechiwigoom.