The Adventures of Nimkii

Book cover of Bebikaan-ezhiwebiziwinan Nimkii: A black dog surrounded by purple storm clouds and floral decorations

Bebikaan-ezhiwebiziwinan Nimkii: The Adventures of Nimkii is the story of a modern dog who lives an adventurous life through all four seasons. Written by her human companion, Stacie Sheldon, and illustrated by Rachel Butzin, the book is intended to start conversations between children and adults. Learners will notice the book provides a basic introduction to most of the things that make Ojibwe unique in an interactive format. The book is fully bilingual, translated by Margaret Noodin.

Listen to or download the full book audio: Nimkii Book 2nd Ed Audio

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Where to Order

Bebikaan-ezhiwebiziwinan Nimkii: The Adventures of Nimkii (2nd edition) has four new pages and is in hardcover format. It was released on September 7, 2021 with Hidden Timber Books. You can order the book from the publisher or from, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, and more. Check your local bookseller too!
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Related Activities

This is a Read-to-Me story or a read alone story for ages 7-9 year-olds. Ojibwe students of all ages will enjoy the book. Here are some additional resources to interact with the book.

Word List

Nimkii Book

  1. Agongos(ag) – Chipmunk(s)
  2. Ajidaamoo(g) – Squirrel(s)
  3. Anang(oog) – Star(s)
  4. Animosh(ag) – Dog(s)
  5. Baapaase(g) – Woodpecker(s)
  6. Bikwaakwad(oon) – Ball(s)
  7. Bimibizo – To go for a ride
  8. Dekaag – Ice Cream
  9. Ditibise – To roll around
  10. Gaag(wag) – Porcupine(s)
  11. Gijigijigaaneshiinh(yag) – Chickadee(s)
  12. Gizaagi’in – I love you
  13. Gookomisinaan Dibikigiizis – Our Grandmother Moon
  14. Goonens(an) – Snowflake(s)
  15. Jiimaan(an) – Canoe(s)
  16. Mamaangibiisaa – To rain in big drops
  17. Mememgwaa(g) – Butterfly(ies)
  18. Mikan – To find something
  19. Mikaw – To find someone
  20. Minawaanigozid – To be happy
  21. Miskomin(ag) – Raspberry(ies)
  22. Nakwebidoon – To catch something
  23. Nashke! – Look!
  24. Nimkii – Thunder
  25. Odaabaan(ag) – Car(s)
  26. Waabooz(oog) – Rabbit(s)
  27. Waawaashkeshi(wag) – Deer
  28. Waawaata’amaw – To wave at someone
  29. Waawaatesi(wag) – Firefly(ies)
  30. Zhaashaawanibiisi(wag) – Swallow(s) (bird)
  31. Zhiibaangwashi – To nap
  32. Zhooshkwajiwe – To slide
  33. Zoogipon – It is snowing

Nimkii Storytime with Schuler Books

Listen to Stacie read The Adventures of Nimkii and maybe you will see Nimkii do some costume changes!

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