Give Thanks Prayer
G’miigwechtoonaa, G’miigwechweaa’naa (We give thanks for things, We give thanks to others)
We have found that one of the most common reasons to learn the language is a desire to give thanks using the language that has echoed in this place for centuries. Humility and the ability to slow down and count your blessings, ask for guidance, and be present for others are fundamental concepts beautifully expressed in Anishinaabemowin.
The following text was originally sent to us by Andy Chosa when he was married and then updated and recorded by Margaret Noodin for the wedding of Eva Roos and Will Montei in August of 2024.

Today we give thanks to the Creator for all that we have been given.
Noongom nimiigwechiwi’aanaan Gizhe-Manidoo gakina gaa-miinigooyaang.
We give thanks for the sky above and the earth below.
Nimiigwechiwi’aanaanig giizhigo-manidoog ishpeming dash gaye akii-manidoog anaamayi’iing.
We give thanks for the rising of the sun and the moon.
Nimiigwechiwi’aanaanig mooka’amowaad giizis gaye dibiki-giizis.
We give thanks for the beauty of our surroundings.
Nimiigwechiwendaamin gakina ginaajiwang miziwegamigong.
We give thanks for our parents who brought us into this world and taught us about life.
Nimiigwechiwi’aanaanig ingitiziminaanig gaa-ondaadizi’igooyaang gaye ombigi’igooyaang.
We give thanks for the relatives who shared our childhood with us.
Nimiigwechiwi’aanaanig indinawemaaganinaanig maamawi-ombigi’idiyaang.
We give thanks for our friends who have journeyed along life’s path with us.
Nimiigwechiwi’aanaanig niwiijiiwaaganinaanig widosemidiyaang.
We give thanks for the laughter of the children.
Nimiigwechiwendaamin de-baapiwaad abinoojiinsag.
And we give thanks for the love in our hearts.
Nimiigwechiwenadaamin zaagi’idiyaang.
Mii i’iw.
And so it is.