Dylan Miner and the Swamp Singers

In September 2013 at the AIHFS Healthy Families Pow Wow Dylan Miner painted t-shirts and Miskwaasining Nagamojig (Swamp Singers) sang songs. Dylan Miner works with communities to help voices be heard and help art take shape. Lately he has worked with Anishinaabe, children, adults and elders to recover the past and re-imagine the future. Here are some sentences, photos and audio about the event.

Dylan Miner kinomaage Michigan Gichimookimaan-Akiins Kchikinomaagegamigong.
Dylan Miner teaches at Michigan State University.

Mazinbiiganke miinwaa nanagoodinong bagwiianan zhizhoobii’igaadan.
He makes artistic images and sometimes he paints (prints) on shirts.

Epiichi kina gwaya niimiwaad, Dylan gii naadamawaa Eli Gailliard.
While everyone danced, Dylan helped Eli Gailliard.

Ishkwa gii gizhitaa bagwiianked, Eli gii zhoomiingwed!
After he finished shirt-making, Eli smiled!

Miidash Shawn Grayson miinwaa Maaganiit Noodin obagwiian giindaanaawaan: “Jiindamwok E-Minomaadizijig”.
Then Shawn Grayson and Meg Noodin read the shirt: “Pow Wow for Healthy People”

Jiindamwok E-Minomaadizijig

Photos from AIHFS Healthy Families Pow Wow

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