A.I.M. Song


Sung by Margaret Noodin and her daughter, Fionnan Noori

The following words were written to be sung with the anthem of the American Indian Movement which is why it is now known as the A.I.M. song. This song was adopted in 1972 in Gordon, Nebraska, when the American Indian Movement went there to protest the traditional handling of an Indian’s death, his name was Raymond Yellowthunder. This song was originally dedicated to the Yellowthunder family, but because of the story behind it, the northern Cheyenne people gave this song to the American Indian Movement.

For many of us, this anthem of the 1970′s remains a symbol of survival the American Indian Movement accomplished. With permission from several of AIM’s current leaders, Anishinaabe words were added by the Ann Arbor language table in 2005 so that young people could carry on the message of this song in the language. The word “boochigo” is a favorite of writer, Jim Northrup, and is used in many dialects to simply say emphatically “we have to do it.”

AIM Song June 2020


Maamwi gida-maashkozimin o hey ya hey o
Together we should be strong

Maamwi gida-maashkozimin o hey ya hey o
Together we should be strong


Niizhwaasing ishkode gii-boodawewaad
The seventh fire has been lit by them

Boochigo Anishinaabemyang
We have to all speak Anishinaabemowin

We are living well

We are living well

O hey ya hey o

A note about singing this song: This song should be sung 4 times through and the Lead has one person begin with a second person or group coming in after “maashkozi”. You will also notice that the Verse is sung twice before the Lead begins again. If you listen carefully you will hear a few honor beats during the repeat of the Verse. Most importantly, this is a song of empowerment and all versions carefully practiced should be respected. Not every person or group sings the same and that is important to accept and understand.

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