Kamloops Round Dance


Original melody and vocables by Brenda MacIntyre, from the song Kamloops Round Dance on the “Awakening” CD by Spirit Wind. You can find Brenda MacIntyre’s latest music at https://MedicineSongWoman.com. Please support her work.

Note from the original songwriter: The rhythm of this round dance song mirrors our heartbeat, connecting us to our selves, Mother Earth and each other. This song connects us to our childhood homes.

Anishinaabe lyrics and singing by local women’s hand drum group, Miskwaasining Nagamojig (Swamp Singers).

Kamloops Round Dance

Ya heya heya way heyo
Ya heya heya way heyo
Ya heya heya way heyo
Ya heya heya way hey ya heyo
Ya heya heya way hey ya heyo

Shkaakaamikwe g’gikenmaanaa
Mother Earth we know her

Shkaakaamikwe g’gikenmaanaa
Mother Earth we know her

Shkaakaamikwe g’gikenmaanaa
Mother Earth we know her

G’gikenmaagonaan pii nagamoyaang
She knows us when we sing

G’gikenmaagonaan pii nagamoyaang
She knows us when we sing

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