Humble Song

This song was originally sung by the Ode’min Kwe Singers and released on their album, New Moon Medicine. Anishinaabemowin translation by Helen Roy.

This song reminds us to connect ourselves with all living things, no matter how big or small.

Sung by Margaret Noodin

Humble Song Art by Shannon Noori

A row of flowers in the Woodland art style by Neebin Southall


Gdaa dbaadendizimi kido Gizhemanido*
(We all should be humble says Gizhemanido.)

Gdaa jiingwanitawaanaa.
(We should kneel before her / him.)

Gdaa dbaadendizimi kida Gizhemanido*
(We all should be humble says Gizhemanido.)

Gdaa gikendanaa gikendamowaad
(We should know what they know.)

Gdaa naadamadami ji ni ishpigaabawiying.
(We should help each other raise up.)

Gdaa naadamaadami.
(We should help each other.)

*Insert the following in verses 2 – 8 to complete the circle of respect:

Gmishomisinaanig (our grandfathers)
Gokomisinaanig (our grandmothers)
Gniijaansinaanig (our children/our offspring)
Enangwiiganijig (the winged)
Eniiwo’gaadejig (the four-legged)
Ebmigizojig (the swimmers)
Ebimoodejig (the crawlers)

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